Answers by experts – November 2022 Blog by VETASSESS

Answers by experts – November 2022


VETASSESS has published blog post on frequently asked questions:

  1. Can I apply in two occupation sectors? In my case, medical researcher and life sciences?

Applicants typically apply for the occupation that they believe best suits their primary role and where they will be able to support their application with official documents and supporting evidence. You should note that, using ANZSCO classifications, clinical applied medical research is differentiated from generalised life science research.

  1. Some NEC (not elsewhere classified) occupations have different position titles but the same broad job duties. How is an occupation assessed in this situation?

We generally assess NEC occupations on the basis of primary tasks performed and the scope and focus of your role to the relevant ANZSCO Unit Group of the NEC code. In some cases, reporting lines assist us in determining the level of your authority and relevance.

Many other factors, such as the area/industry of business and its products and services may play a part. Some NEC occupations may require you to demonstrate or provide evidence that you are performing the same skill set/employment scope of authority defined within the relevant ANZSCO Unit Group. In others it may require industry-specific relevance, or both.

For any skills assessment lodged against an NEC code, we require you to outline the rationale for selecting the NEC occupation, as you must outline how and why your employment does not better align to any other ANZSCO code or occupation.

  1. People who work in a family business do not necessarily have a payslip as they are not typical workers. How can I provide an alternative to payslips?

You could supply official taxation and/or trust documents as well as an official testimony issued by your registered accountant or legal body to prove or further support your employment within a family business.

  1. I worked as an advertising specialist for two years before becoming a marketing specialist. Can those two years count as employment experience for my application as a marketing specialist?

Yes, we can consider the additional employment as closely related for points test purposes, as advertising specialist is classified in the same unit group in ANZSCO (the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations). This would, of course, only be where you fulfil the other assessment requirements. We have an information sheet on this occupation.

  1. As a Construction Project Manager I am required to submit an organisational chart for my assessment. My HR Department has decided to blank out all the names for confidentiality reasons. Can I still submit this chart?

Yes. Personnel names are not required. The organisational chart shows us the dedicated business departments, job titles and reporting lines to and from your role.

  1. Is it possible to call VETASSESS before a reassessment is lodged?

You may email us and request an explanation directly from the relevant assessment team as to why you were assessed negatively. In some cases, they may be able to suggest an alternative occupation.

For professional occupations, if you have a query about the initial assessment processes or probable suitability, please do email us requesting the type of clarification you need. This may help you in deciding your next steps.


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