South Australia Skilled Migration Program 2021-22 update

GSM state nomination allocations

Skilled Migration Program 2021-22 GSM state nomination allocations update as follows:

‘South Australia is close to meeting its quota of 491 visas under its GSM state nomination Skilled Migration Program for 2021-22.

While Skilled & Business Migration is continuing to assess applications, the demand for state nomination will exceed our annual allocation of nomination places.

To ensure the nomination of highly skilled applicants who can best contribute to South Australias economic prosperity and skills needs, Skilled & Business Migration is taking the following measures:

  • Prioritising the assessment of Subclass 190 applications
  • Prioritising the assessment of applications for candidates with a subclass 485 visa expiry date within this 2021-22 program year
  • Prioritising highly skilled onshore applicants with demonstrable work experience who are working full-time hours in their nominated occupation for a South Australian employer
  • Encouraging candidates seeking a subclass 491 nomination to submit Registration of Interest (ROI) applications through our Talent & Innovators Program, for consideration

The South Australian Government has requested from the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs additional places under the state nomination program. If these additional places become available, further information regarding nomination eligibility will be provided.’


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