VETASSESS Blog – September 2022

VETASSESS Blog – September 2022

September 2022  In this blog, VETASSESS Skills Assessment experts answer some of the most frequently asked questions that they receive from people who plan to migrate to Australia in trade, professional and other occupations.

How many publications are required for University Lecturers? Do you accept publication in regional journals?

Applicants must provide evidence of at least one peer-reviewed academic journal article. Regional journals will be accepted if they are peer-reviewed journals within the academic disciplines relevant to the academic specialisation of the applicant, or a related discipline.

We have more information in this blog and weve also published an information sheet on this occupation.

For professional occupations that require a licence, can we apply based on our overseas licence and experience? I am a dental hygienist.

Yes! Dental Hygienist is a VETASSESS Group A occupation and requires a bachelor degree (equivalent) in the area of dental hygiene, dental hygiene therapy or oral health therapy. However, please include any relevant licence/evidence of registration to further support evidence of your work experience in the profession.

I submitted an organisational chart when I lodged my application, and my company has since reorganised. Do I need to submit a new chart?

We are only interested in where YOU sit within the organisational structure. If the reshuffle does not affect your status, there is no need for you to resubmit.

What percentage of duties should be in line with ANZSCO to receive a positive skills assessment? Some people perform many kinds of duties in one occupation.

Your PRIMARY employment focus and higher percentage of your role should align to the occupation being assessed.

Is formal training of six months acceptable for a diesel motor mechanic (pathway 1)?

For the purposes of a Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) skills assessment, Skills assessment, an applicants formal training completed overseas must be comparable to at least a Certificate III in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

When assessing the educational level and comparability of a particular overseas qualification to an AQF award, several factors are considered. They may include the education system in the country, recognition and/or accreditation status of the awarding institution, the level, structure and nature of the program, the length of study, the level of academic achievement, and the course requirements.

Is the new baker qualification, FBP30521 Certificate III in Baking, equal to an AQF Certificate III?

The new qualification is an AQF Certificate III. Since June 1, all new applicants in the occupations of Baker and Pastrycook who successfully completed a skills assessment under Pathway 1 have received the most recent qualifications:

  1. Baker receives the FBP30521 Certificate III in Baking
  2. Baker (Bread Baking) receives the FBP30421 Certificate III in Bread Baking
  3. Pastrycook receives the FBP30321 Certificate III in Cake and Pastry.


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