At Sellanes Clark, we are both honoured and delighted to announce our ongoing support towards the Ryde and Bondi Junction Rotary Clubs’ outstanding initiative, via their acclaimed program, ‘Circus Quirkus’.
Supported by bi-annual donations from Sellanes Clark, donors and other corporate sponsors, the Rotary Clubs play host to the ‘Circus Quirkus’ production twice each year; events in which exciting acrobatic circus performances are presented for the enthusiastic enjoyment of a multitude of underprivileged or disabled kids and their families. Each and every performance brings broad smiles and tears of joy to faces more accustomed to pain and disappointment, so it becomes an immensely rewarding concept for all involved.
‘Circus Quirkus’ performances are always restricted to these very special guests; the artistes perform for them and for them alone. No tickets are sold to the public; Rotary staff and members volunteer as ushers and assistants, with all costs covered through the generosity of sponsors.
The fundamental purpose of ‘Circus Quirkus’ is to “put huge smiles on little faces”, an obvious justification for any support offered via the Rotary clubs. Sellanes Clark has been a consistent sponsor, believing that the impact of giving back to a worthwhile community venture has benefits, personally, professionally and emotionally, delivering a sense of pride and self-esteem throughout the entire supporting sponsor’s organisation.
We openly encourage other businesses to become involved. In addition, we will be asking for our own staff and clients to dig deep into their pockets, agreeing to match their contributions, dollar for dollar, paid to the Rotary clubs, in the very genuine quest to support and even to build upon, the incredible work that is being done to improve the lives of underprivileged and disabled children in our wider community.
In our profession we deal so much with ‘citizenship’; could there really be a better definition?
“Knowledge itself is power”, a phrase attributed to Sir Francis Bacon, is further explained by Wikipedia; in itself, an extremely valuable reference tool.
Wikipedia is one public face of The Wikimedia Foundation, an extensive non-profit entity which strives to facilitate fast and free knowledge throughout the global community, its sites consistently applauded for their reliability and straightforward approach, its enormous audience benefitting across all age, economic and race demographics.
The Wikimedia Foundation has produced a vast body of work and it continues to provide an essential international reference service but as a non-profit organisation, it relies heavily upon the support of the community at large. At Sellanes Clark, we firmly believe that within knowledge lies the potential for greatness and the opportunity for self-improvement, so for these reasons we are proud to provide Wikimedia with a generous monthly donation.
It’s just one more way of business “giving back” to the community today, setting the foundations for a better-informed tomorrow.
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