NT DAMA Occupation List Updated
Overseas workers can be nominated for 124 occupations
The NT DAMA occupations list is reviewed and updated annually by agreement between the NT Government and the Australian Government.
The annual review is informed by:
- the NT Skilled Occupations Priority List (NTSOPL), which is used as a base from which the NT DAMA occupations list is developed
- other labour market intelligence including submissions received from industry peak bodies.
Updated list can be found here: https://industry.nt.gov.au/migration-for-business/northern-territory-designated-area-migration-agreement/nt-dama-occupations-list
RDA Far West Update
Allocation of nominated positions filled
Update from RDA Far West as follows:
RDA FAR WEST is unable to accept applications received as of 27 May 2022 for 491 visa. Our allocation of nominated positions has now been filled.
Update for Baker and Pastrycook
From June 1, all successful applicants under the occupations of Baker and Pastrycook who apply for a Pathway 1 skills assessment for migration purposes will receive a new Certificate III qualification.
This will ensure applicants have the most up-to-date qualification.
The new qualifications are:
- Bread baker (ANZSCO: 351111) will receive the qualification FBP30421 Certificate III in Bread Baking
- Baker (ANZSCO: 351111) will receive the FBP30521 Certificate III in Baking
- Pastrycook (ANZSCO: 351112) will receive the FBP30321 Certificate III in Cake and Pastry
Source: https://www.vetassess.com.au/