Update on NT General Skilled Migration (GSM) Nominations

Update on NT General Skilled Migration (GSM) Nominations. Suspension of New Applications for the 2024-25 Program Year
Northern Territory DAMA Update: Transitioning to NT DAMA III

The current NT Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) will expire on 13 December 2024. Negotiations are underway to establish a new 5-year agreement, NT DAMA III, which will include an expanded occupations list and streamlined application processes.
Update on NT General Skilled Migration (GSM) Nomination Applications for 2024-25

Update on NT General Skilled Migration (GSM) Nomination Applications for 2024-25. Offshore Applications to Reopen on 14 August 2024 for Selected Streams
Update on NT General Skilled Migration GSM Nomination Applications for 2024-25

Closure of NT GSM Nomination Applications for 2023-24 Program Year
Effective December 4 2023
Closure of NT GSM Nomination Applications for 2023-24 Program Year

Closure of NT GSM Nomination Applications for 2023-24 Program Year
Effective December 4 2023
NT DAMA Extension and Updates Streamlined Pathways and New Occupations

NT DAMA Extension and Updates Streamlined Pathways and New Occupations
Enhancements to Northern Territory DAMA
NT Skilled Work Regional Provisional Subclass 491 Visa Nomination Applications Open for 2023-24

NT Skilled Work Regional Provisional Subclass 491 Visa Nomination Applications Open for 2023-24
Important Changes in Eligibility Criteria
NT’s Temporary Closure of GSM Program- Response to Allocation Changes

NT’s Temporary Closure of GSM Program- Response to Allocation Changes
Reduced Nominations Impact Nomination Applications
Update on the NT GSM program closed for 2022-23 program year

Update on the NT GSM program
Closed for 2022-23 program year
The 2022-23 program year has now closed, with all nomination allocations for the Northern Territory (NT) being fully used.